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editing experience
Editing is something I am familiar with and a very big part of my job. Though editing has been my biggest struggle thus far, there has been improvement and that has come from me putting a lot of energy into it but I am not done improving. Personally, when it comes to editing I want to one day have "The Eye" but I am not there yet, but I am on the path and I am not stopping.

Bad editing examples
Left: Here is a collection of screenshots that show some very poor editing I have done. Right off the bat, I can say I was trying, but I knew so little about the things to look for that this was the result. These examples, while embarrassing for me, also show how much I have grown in the editing department. I wanted to talk about the failures here because editing has been my biggestrnalism. Here are some things I have learned to look for. passive voice, organiz struggle in jouation of stories, flow, first/second/third person, is the right information present? AP style, etc.

Good editing examples
Above: In the photo collage are different good editing examples. As you can see by comparing the dates of my two editing example sections during the second semester my editing has gotten a lot better. With that being said, I am still improving every day, I have taken on the challenge for myself to edit as much as I can. During the last cycle, I edited all of my staff's work stories along with an entire other staff. I am always looking for other pieces to edit because I know that is where I need the most improvement. It is very important to me that I can be a reliable editor for my publication so I can support other writers.
Notes on editing
Right: In the PDF is a document that has my notes on editing from two different sessions I attended at the 2024 fall National Scholastic Press Association. The first session focused more on a professional in the field teaching us about copy editing, which helped me reimagine my process of editing copy. The second session was led by Buck Ryan and he taught me a lot about the basics of editing which I had some gaps in. Some things I learned were the importance of checking for the Seven Flashing lights (7 small details that can get lost in the copy) and the power of a Google search when editing.
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