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WEB exclusives

Personal Narrative podcast
Left: Here is a photo and button that links to a podcast I did on my experience with religion. From a young age, I questioned Christianity and I felt like I couldn't say anything. This podcast details my life as I fought this weight on my shoulders. This podcast is my favorite piece I have ever done. The storytelling is fantastic and I love how it being a podcast enhanced its storytelling capabilities. I was able to really speak my voice into these words and I am immensely proud of this podcast.

Flag football Senior Night
Left: Here is a link to a story I wrote on my school's flag football team, Senior Night. Digital stories allow such a timely publication, so preview or event coverage stories can get published easily. Our readers deserve timely news they can count on, and this requires mobile news, which means websites and social media. This story was written to preview the Senior Night that was a few days away. Due to some poor planning, it only got posted the day of, which was frustrating. However, it taught me the of starting on projects early and giving more time to these types of stories.

5 Must Watch Horror Movies
Left: Here is a link to a horror movie review package that was in the ODYSSEY's 2024 Halloween package. With Halloween being such a big holiday I wanted to make sure I could contribute to the festivities but having a hard deadline it added difficulty. I pushed through and made it posted before Halloween so its timeliness remained. For Multimedia I added a trailer embed for each movie so a reader can go straight from my review to the offical trailer to create a cohesive website piece.

Classic cuisine: Q&A with The Grill Owner
Left: Here is a link to a Q&A I did with the owner of a local Athens business called The Grill. Because of The Grill's longevity in Athens I though the story would be told better with a timeline via Knightlab. It was difficult at first because The Grill through the decades didn't have readily available information. But like a good journalist, I dug deep and uncovered more information and images I could use. This project pushed me a lot and I am very proud of the final project.

Flying 5K
Left: Here is a link to a story I did on Clarke Middle School's annual 5K. The race itself was on the 28th of September, so it was important to me to get it published beforehand. I wanted to write this story because we don't report on parent-teacher involvement in schools often. During this story, I had to do a lot of email correspondence and calls with my stakeholders to accomplish the story. It helped me build new connections with the PTA at CMS and taught me a lot about the importance of keeping organized throughout a story.
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